
Why File A Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Personal injury lawsuits are a big deal. You could be faced with large hospital costs, missed earnings, and other expenses that shouldn’t be your responsibility should you suffer an illness that someone else triggered.

A small incident can quickly turn into a problem that you can’t get out of.

You, the victim, will keep the liable party or corporation accountable to claim the punitive relief that they want and require. If you have been hurt or injured and wish to file a monetary negligence claim, call me today.

Our services

  • Motor vehicle accidents

Accidents involving cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, and other vehicles are among the most common types in the UAE. Oftentimes, these personal injury claims stem from the negligence of another driver. Whatever the cause or the person who was negligent, these accidents can have impacts for life.

  • Slip and fall accidents

Slip and fall lawsuits are more important than some think. Those who slip and fall on someone’s property may find themselves with an injury that could have been prevented. Especially if the owner of the property had not neglected to repair his damaged facilities.

  • Wrongful death

Wrongful death cases are unnecessary tragedies. Compensation for these horrible personal injury accidents caused by the actions of another can fall into a few different categories. There is the usual compensation for current and ongoing medical bills and expenses, and lost wages that can be obtained in any personal injury or injury lawsuit.

  • Brain and spinal cord injuries

In personal injury and injury cases involving these specific injuries, you could suffer potentially permanent physical and / or mental harm. If a negligent person or company hurts you or a member of your family, you are all victims of their carelessness.

  • Burns and fire wounds

Fire and burn injuries are some of the most dangerous and life-altering injuries a person can sustain. Personal injury or burn injuries can lead to staggeringly high medical bills.

  • Animal bites

Dog bites and attacks have the potential to be much more serious than they appear. If someone’s pet attacks you, then you can file a lawsuit against the animal’s owner. With dog and animal bite lawsuits, you may be entitled to compensation from the responsible party.

Why should you call us

We will use everything in our  power to obtain the best possible compensation. This often happens in an agreement meeting. But if the big corporation or insurance company doesn’t back down, We are trained with years of experience to go to court.

We will inform you of your rights and help you with the steps to take in all types of legal situations. So you have the power to decide your future, and you can count on my team to talk to you and listen to your story. We are your best legal option in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

We are a Personal Injury lawyer with decades of experience serving in Dubai and in the UAE. Your best option for accident, injury, business disputes, real estate, construction law cases: Our goal is that you can access legal help from anywhere, in the simplest way.