
What are the Common Injuries Sustained As a Result of Dog Bites in Lexington?

Dog bites can be quite dangerous. They can cause lacerations, abrasions, and scarring. But dog bites can also lead to more serious complications. Dog bites can also be emotionally draining for the victim. So, it is wise to seek the help of a personal injury lawyer in Lexington if you want to pursue a personal injury claim. 

You can visit this page if you want to know how can a personal injury lawyer help you with personal injury claims such as motor vehicle accidents, slip and fall accidents, dog bites, and premises liability cases. A personal injury lawyer can be of great help to you if you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault.

Let us now look into the most common injuries sustained by the victims of dog bites.

  • Puncture wounds and lacerations

Puncture wounds occur when dog bites penetrate the skin and cause significant damage. Often, these wounds can be serious and lead to infection, gangrene, and deep tissue damage. You should go to a doctor as soon as possible to treat these wounds. These injuries are often treated by applying antibiotic ointment or other disinfectants or antiseptics to the wound, followed by a bandage that sticks to the skin

  • Broken bones

Dog bites can also lead to broken bones. This usually happens when the victim is caught off guard by the dog and ends up falling down. Victims of dog bites often sustain broken bones due to the force of the impact. Broken bones can often result in permanent disability. So, you better consult a doctor immediately. 

  • Scarring and disfigurement

Dog bites can result in deformities to the face and neck area. This is because dog bites often rip open the skin and cause extensive tissue damage. These injuries may leave scarring or disfigurement that can be permanent in nature. So, if you have been injured due to a dog bite, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible so that you can start the healing process.

  • Nerve damage

Dog bites can also lead to nerve damage. Such an injury may result in numbness and swelling in the face or neck area. You should go to a doctor immediately if this happens because nerve damage is often permanent, especially if not treated properly.

  • Loss of vision

If you are bitten on the eye, you can sustain a permanent loss of vision. In such cases, your eyes should be examined by a doctor immediately, so that appropriate actions can be taken to prevent any permanent damage.