
What are the Common Injuries Reported in Motorcycle Accidents in Henderson?

Motorcycle accidents are becoming more and more common in Henderson, Nevada. One of the most common injuries that are reported is head injuries. In a motorcycle crash, the rider’s helmet can protect the skull in an accidental fall, but is not always enough to protect the brain from a severe impact. The injuries sustained in motorcycle accidents can be sometimes significant and have severe consequences.

Therefore, it is essential to consult an accident injury attorney after being involved in a motorcycle accident. An attorney can help you in determining the cause of the accident and help you obtain the compensation that you deserve.

For now, we will see into the most common injuries reported in motorcycle accidents in Henderson.

  • Head injuries

Head injuries are considered to be the most common and the most severe type of injuries that are reported in motorcycle accidents. The main purpose of a helmet is to protect a rider’s head from being hit against the road or other hard surfaces when a crash occurs. Despite this, collisions can still impact the head and brain of the riders and cause serious injuries.

  • Spinal cord injuries

Spinal cord injuries are also reported in motorcycle accidents. These injuries can be sometimes life-altering for the victims, leading to complete or partial paralysis.

  • Broken bones

Broken bones are also reported in motorcycle accidents. Fractures mostly occur on lower limbs in motorcycle accidents. Broken limbs usually cause great pain and discomfort, and often result in being unable to walk properly or even perform normal daily activities for a period of time.

  • Neck injuries

Neck injuries are another injury that is considered to be one of the most common in motorcycle accidents. If you have sustained a neck injury after a crash, it is very important to take proper care of your injured neck. In order for your body to heal properly, it is necessary that you rest and not engage in physical activities that might cause further complications to your neck.

  • Internal injuries

Internal injuries are also prevalent in motorcycle accidents. They can include ruptured organs, broken bones, and bruising of your internal organs. These types of injuries are very serious due to the fact that they might not surface immediately after the accident but can become worse over time.