
Statistics and Information for Car Accidents and Personal Injury Cases


In Texas, car crashes are a frequent cause of serious injuries and deaths. Though the number of fatalities has decreased slightly between 2018 and 2019, the reality is, there are far too many people killed or seriously injured in car accidents every day. Read below to learn more about car accidents and what to do after a car accident occurs.

Fatal Car Crashes Happen Anywhere

Fatal car crashes happen throughout the state. Though there are some areas that see deadly crashes more frequently than others, the reality is, car accidents can happen in any location, whether it’s the middle of a big city or a far more rural accident. For 2019, 51.69% of fatalities from car accidents occurred in rural areas. This is more than 1,800 fatal crashes in rural areas within a one-year period.

Deadly Car Crashes Happen Daily

Some parts of the year have higher incidents than others, but a car crash can happen on any day. In 2019, there was no day without a fatal car accident in the state of Texas. The deadliest days were June 5th, a Wednesday, and December 7th, a Saturday. On each of these days, 21 people were killed in traffic crashes. December was the month with the highest number of traffic-related fatalities.

Majority of Accidents Involve Multiple Vehicles

Around 1,161 car accidents in 2019 were single-vehicle accidents in which the vehicle ran off the road and the driver or a passenger was killed. This represents less than 1/3rd of all accidents that resulted in a death in Texas. In most cases, two or more vehicles were involved.

DUIs are a Leading Cause of Fatal Crashes

One of the leading causes of fatal car crashes continues to be driving under the influence. In 2019, this accounted for 886 people killed, or around 25% of the deaths due to traffic crashes in Texas. Most of the DUI-related fatal car crashes occurred between two and three in the morning, and more occurred on Saturdays.

Compensation May be Available for Victims

When someone is seriously injured in a vehicle accident or a loved one is killed, there may be compensation available to help cover medical costs, funeral costs, damages, lost wages, and more. The victim will want to speak with a lawyer about the accident to find out if they may be entitled to compensation from the at-fault driver and, if so, how much they could receive. By speaking with a lawyer quickly, they have the opportunity to gain money that can be used to help them recover financially from the accident.

Car accidents are far too common today, and there are still many fatal car crashes occurring in Texas. Those who have lost a loved one in a fatal car accident or who have been seriously injured in a crash caused by another driver may have the opportunity to gain financial compensation for the accident. Speak with a personal injury lawyer today to learn more about the help available and to see if you may be owed compensation as the victim of a car accident.