
Important of Having a DWI Defense with an Attorney

Defense attorneys have many purposes and can in most cases often better the results of your case. They help to make sure that courts do not wrongfully convict an innocent defendant nor inflict sentences that are extreme for those who are convicted.

Importance of having a good defense

It is most important you have DWI defense if you have been arrested for driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. When dealing with these charges, a defense attorney is an advocate for the one who is accused, responsible for the client’s interest. When these individuals are brought into a court, they are often issued harsh sentences or penalties when often they are not even guilty. 

DWI charges

Usually, your first DWI charges should be considered and handled as a misdemeanor offense but you can still be punished with:

  • Fines
  • Community services
  • Suspension of license
  • Probation

But other factors can change the nature or level of your charges resulting in harsher sentences or penalties and that is why you need an attorney who can give you a good DWI defense.

What an attorney can do

A DWI does not have to ruin your life, but it can if you do not have a lawyer to fight your case. They can also negotiate a better deal so you are able to get on with your life with little change. If an attorney wins your case or gets the charges dropped, in most cases, you will not even have a DWI on your record. 

Strategies used

Some strategies that a good DWI attorney can use include:

  • Proving you was not the one driving.
  • Proving the officer did not have any grounds to stop your vehicle.
  • Challenging the credibility of the evidence of the officer.
  • Providing evidence that you were not even legally intoxicated.